Pro Packing Tips - Declutter Your Home Before Moving

Packing up all of your items and moving from one house, apartment, or place to another is a huge undertaking, but there is a tremedous benefit that you should take advantage of. Think of moving as a perfect opportunity to declutter all of your stuff and reorganize your home. You know what they say "out with the old, in with the new". Clothes are spilling out of the closets, junk drawers are overflowing and tools have been untouched for years. Before you move into your new home, you can have a fresh start and only bring with you the things that you really want and need. Balboa Realty, the leaders in Orange County Property Management has moving tips just for you.
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Sorting Piles
As soon as you sign the papers and make the final decision to buy a new house start thinking about the moving process as a whole. Giving yourself an adequate amount of time to decide what you want to bring with you to your next residence will allow you to sell your items for what they're worth. Say for example you have a beautiful bedroom set, you can then take your time taking nice photos, posting them online and finding the right person or company to sell your items to for a good price. Also, starting the packing process early will make you feel less overwhelmed when you do a little every day instead of having to do it all in a short amount of time. If you leave it to the last minute you will feel stressed and feel the pressure to jump at any offer that comes your way.
Organization is key when it comes to moving. When you start sorting through items in a room create 5 different piles - Keep, Throw Out, Sell, Donate, Question Mark. This will force you put your items into categories and to only take things that you love with you to your next home. Parting ways with items you've had forever can be difficult, but knowing that when you donate it, someone else will appreciate that item even more makes it much easier to part ways. Pro tip: Only allow yourself to have 1 or 2 items in the question mark piles per room. After you've gone through the entire house revisit this pile and resort into 4 piles.
Packing Supplies
Having all of the right supplies before you actaully start packing will set yourself up for success. Chances are you have a lot of the supplies hidden somewhere in your house so give yourself a day to look for them so you know exactly what you'll have to buy. Some of the most important packing materials are cardboard boxes, ziploc bags, plastic bins, markers, labels, bubble wrap and packing tape. When you start packing items away be sure to label not only what room the items belong to but list out what type of items they are. For example, write "Kitchen: dinner plates, mugs, water glasses & place mats". This will be extremely helpful during the unpacking process and will keep you organized.
Published on Friday, October 13, 2017